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Summer lawn care

There’s not much to do around the garden during summer, but a lot of maintenance: it’s all a matter of watering and mowing mostly. However this is the most stressful time of the year for your lawn, so make sure you’re handling it with extra care. We put together some tips and tricks to achieve the best looking lawn of the neighborhood.

Mow high and frequently

The summer heat will put your lawn under great stress, that’s why it’s crucial to keep your grass high. By doing so it will retain moisture better, which helps the roots grow deeper into the soil. It’s also important to mow frequently, twice a week is a must. If you have a robotic lawn mower like Worx Landroid that’s even better, let it mow daily and you’ll have a greener and healthier grass in no time.

Water your lawn

As you know, watering your green space is essential in the warmer months. Try to give your garden a good soak two to three times a week (in case of no rain and dry weather). More importantly, you should always water your lawn in the early morning or late evening to avoid water evaporation and to ensure complete absorption by the soil and roots.


When the grass is under stress because of the heat, its growth is compromised. That’s why fertilizing encourages its health. Choose a high-quality, slow-release fertilizer to provide a steady supply of nutrients over time: apply it two to three times throughout the season. Mulching can also give a good boost to your lawn as it releases the needed nitrogen back to the soil which helps the grass grow stronger and healthier.

Treat for pests

End of spring and early summer make the best time to look out for pests and to treat them. Pay close attention to grubs especially. These insects cause extensive damage by feeding on the grassroots. Use natural insecticides specifically designed to target grubs. Regular monitoring and timely treatment protect your lawn from potential pest infestations and maintain its health throughout the season.

Get rid of weeds

For a pristine summer lawn, tackle weeds early by promptly spotting and removing them. Consider using a Landroid lawn mower to prevent weed growth through frequent cutting. Remember, regular watering, feeding, and mowing are vital for maintaining a dense and healthy lawn, which acts as a natural defense against weed invasion.

Regular maintenance goes a long way when dealing with your lawn in summer, so try to be consistent and stick to your schedule. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Mow high
  • Water frequently
  • Fertilize two to three times per season
  • Watch out for pests
  • Get rid of weeds