Etter materiale
Det har aldri vært enklere å holde plenen din pen og ryddig med Worx Landroid robotgressklippere. Avansert teknologi sparer tid, penger og miljø.
The top selling robot mower in the 800m² range in its latest release
Landroid L800 - WR148E
Rotatable two-sided blades
Landroid 12 blades - WA0190
Robotgressklipper for små plener
Landroid S300 - WR130E
Europas bestselgende robotklipper for plener opp til 500m²
Landroid M500 - WR141E
Europas bestselgende robotklipper i segmentet 700m².
Landroid M700 - WR142E
Premiumversjonen av Europas bestselgende robotklipper for 500 m²
Landroid M500 Plus - WR165E
Den bestselgende robotklipperen på 700 m² i sin siste utgave
Landroid M700 Plus - WR167E
Ditt beste valg for veldig store områder
Landroid L2000 - WR155E
Gjør din Landroid sikker, sporbar og tilkoblet
Find My Landroid - WA0862
Enkel konfigurasjon av områdene som ikke skal klippes
Off Limits virtuelt gjerde - WA0863
Intelligent antikollisjonsteknologi
ACS antikollisjonssystem - WA0860
Keep your Worx Landroid robotic mower safe and secure
Worx WA0865 Landroid High-Pitched Alarm Module - WA0865
200m Boundary Wire
Landroid Replacement 200m Boundary Wire - WA0177
100m Landroid Wire
Landroid Replacement 100m Boundary Wire - WA0178
x100 Pack of Landroid Boundary Wire Pegs
Worx WA0179 Landroid Boundary Wire Pegs - WA0179
50m Boundary Wire
Landroid Replacement 50m Boundary Wire - WA0184
Provide extra protection for your Landroid
Landroid garage - WA0194
Protect and store your Landroid
Landroid storage bag - WA0197
Boundary Wire Connectors
Landroid Boundary Wire Connectors - WA0198
Maintain and fix the boundary wire for your Landroid Robotic Mower
Landroid 50m Boundary Wire Kit - WA0460
Cleaning and maintenance Kit for your Landroid
Landroid Cleaning & Maintenance Kit - WA0462
Replacement charging station
Landroid Charging Station - WA0466
Hardened stainless steel blades
Long-life blades - WA0789
Better traction in rough terrain
Landroid Off-Road Wheels - WA0950
Better traction in muddy terrain
Landroid Muddy Terrain Wheels - WA0952
Prevents skidding on soft ground and wet lawns
Mud terrain drive wheels - WA0953
Expand your Off-Limits digital fence
Magnetic strips for Off-Limits Landroid - WA0870
The robot mower that doesn't need a boundary wire for lawns up to 600 m²
Worx Landroid Vision M600 - WR206E
The robot mower that doesn't need a boundary wire for lawns up to 800 m²
Worx Landroid Vision M800 - WR208E
The robot mower that doesn't need a boundary wire for lawns up to 1300 m²
Worx Landroid Vision L1300 - WR213E
The robot mower that doesn't need a boundary wire for lawns up to 1600 m²
Worx Landroid Vision L1600 - WR216E
Provide extra protection for your Vision
Vision Robotic Mower Garage - WA0821
Make your Vision robotic mower secure, trackable and connected
Find My Vision Module - WA0852
Zero installation robot mower
Landroid Vision is powered by a full HDR camera and neural network so it mows without boundary wire.